Contest! Sheep! Book! Yarn!


Would you like to make some sheep? Who wouldn't!


The fine people at Cascade Yarns have teamed up with my publisher to offer this fabulous prize: A copy of Fun and Fantastical Slippers to Knit, and all the yarn you need to make your very own "Sheepish" felted slippers! CLICK HERE to enter the contest!

And may the Sheepy-est win!

Buy Yourself a Present Today

And with it you can knit presents for everybody on your list!


CLICK HERE to visit the publisher's website, where you can get your copy for 35% OFF, now through November 30. Use promo code FEAST14 at checkout to get your big fat discount. Then relax back into your turkey-induced coma until your copy arrives.  At that point you'll be rested enough to sit up and knit all your holiday gifts.  For which I'll (continue to) be Very Thankful, Indeed.


Making New Knitters

The Knitting Lesson, by Hendrik Johannes Haverman, Amsterdam, 1857-1928.

I've been working on a book about knitting.  Specifically about adults and kids knitting together, which is a subject close to my heart.

This project calls for me to think like a new knitter, and remember what mattered most to me when I was first learning.  Since that was a long time ago, I've relied pretty heavily on my family, as newly-minted knitters, to keep me on track.

Lately I've gotten a little bogged down by the responsibility of it all.  It's such a privilege to pass on the thing you love.  The things we treasure are also our burdens to bear, if we care deeply about what happens to them.  But that's a pretty heavy point of view for a kids knitting book!

I mentioned this to my friend Karen F. who reminded me of one important thing:  No knitting book can have everything in it. 

Of course, she's right.  If anything, I should be making sure that the content is streamlined enough not to be intimidating.  Thanks, K - for saying the right thing at the right time.

I wonder if this means I should cut the chapter on Icelandic lace?